Welcome to The Nature Trail!
The beloved rabbit information site since 2004
Rabbit Information Articles
- Bunny Care Info: Covering the bases from basic care, grooming, and FAQ. Articles on clipping teeth, extensive rabbit fur information, how to reduce rabbitry odors, manage rabbitry records, and even bunny photography tips.
- Rabbit Breeding: One of the most extensive sections, this includes both step-by-step instructions for breeding rabbits and more detailed articles on topics such as fostering, getting does to conceive, what to do about retained kits, and more.
- Showing Rabbits: Learn what to expect at an ARBA or 4-H rabbit show, how to prepare, and how to have a good time. Also includes articles on registering rabbits and achieving Grand Championships.
- Health and Feeding: There’s some very quality information in this section on how to choose a good rabbit feed, when to blame the feed for problems, and growing garden food for rabbits. The health section offers advice for preventing GI Stasis, treating vent disease correctly, identifying the cause of rabbit fur loss, and more.
- Gallery of Champions: When it was operating, The Nature Trail Rabbitry’s slogan was “Home of Grand Champions.” This website carries on the legacy of the successful Nature Trail Holland Lops through the Gallery of Champions, as well as showcasing photos and bios of other top-quality rabbits.
- Rabbit Genetics: If there’s one thing this website is known for, it’s the quality information available on color genetics. Highlights include new easy-to-understand primer, a chart of 144 color genotypes, and information on the dwarfing gene.
- Rabbit Links Directory: If you’re a rabbit breeder, you’ve probably got rabbits to sell! A listing in the Nature Trail breeders directory is free. Just send us your info! The directory also includes links to helpful rabbit medical websites, rabbit clubs, and internet groups.