American Fuzzy Lop Rabbit: ULTIMATE Breed & Care Guide

The American fuzzy lop has lots of personality and is gaining popularity. They are an inquisitive breed and are suitable for pets and show or 4-H rabbits. Their wool can even be spun into yarn!

Species Name Oryctolagus cuniculus
ARBA Body Type Compact
Weight Up to 4 lbs
Lifespan 5-8 years
Fur Type Dense, slightly course wool
Temperament Generally calm and inquisitive
Best Suited For All types of rabbit owners
Similar Breeds Holland Lop, English Spot, French Angora

History & Origin of the American Fuzzy Lop

The AFL looks very similar to a Holland lop. When American breeders wanted to add the broken gene to their Hollands, they crossed them to an English spot. Then, to improve the fur, they crossed these rabbits to a French angora. They did this because the Holland should have rollback fur (1 inch long).

The English spot cross gave them short, flyback fur. The French angora cross gave the Hollands the wool gene, which is recessive. Breeders started using the wooled Hollands to create their own breed, which was accepted by the ARBA as the American fuzzy lop in 1988.

American Fuzzy Lop Appearance & Varieties

Breed Appearance

“Fuzzies” have very round, compact bodies. The head is set moderately high on the shoulders. They have short, thick legs. American fuzzy lops carry the dwarf gene, this is what gives them their small and compact type.

As with most lop breeds, they have a ridge of cartilage on top of the head. This is called the crown. The crown is what causes the ears to fall on either side of the rabbit’s head.

The wool of an AFL is about two inches long, and somewhat coarse compared to angora wool. The American fuzzy lop is a four-class breed weighing about 3 3/4 pounds.

Recognized Varieties

The American fuzzy lop comes in many recognized varieties. They are broken down into groups as follows:

  • Agouti group: chestnut, chinchilla, lynx, opal, and squirrel.
  • Broken group: any recognized breed color broken with white.
  • Pointed white group: pure white with black, blue, chocolate, or lilac points.
  • Self group: black, blue, blue eyed white, chocolate, lilac, and ruby eyed white.
  • Shaded group: sable point, siamese sable, siamese smoke pearl, tortoise shell, and blue tortoise shell.
  • Wide band group: fawn and orange.

Tips For Buying Show Stock

When buying an American Fuzzy Lop for show, you want to look for:

  • A short, close coupled animal with a smooth, rounded, and compact body
  • A wide, massive head
  • Ears that lop vertically
  • Short, thick legs
  • Dense, slightly coarse wool

There are also specific features that should be avoided. Those are:

  • Narrow body with pinched or undercut hindquarters
  • Narrow head
  • Heavy wool side trimmings on head
  • Narrow ears, or ears with wool
  • Slipped crown
  • Thin wool
  • Wool on front feet is a disqualification
  • Soft and silky wool on seniors is a disqualification
  • Wool under 1 1/2 inches is a disqualification

Behavior & Temperament

The American Fuzzy Lop rabbit breed is known for their friendly and gentle temperament, making them great pets for people of all ages. They are generally easy to handle and enjoy interacting with their caregivers.

In addition to their friendly nature, American Fuzzy Lops are also known for their inquisitive and curious personalities. They enjoy exploring their environment and playing with toys, and they are often fascinated by new sights and sounds.

Their inquisitive nature makes them a fun and entertaining pet to have around, but also warrants some care and caution when grooming them or going about your day to day life with them around.

Who Are American Fuzzy Lops Good Pets For?

American Fuzzy Lop rabbits can make great pets for a wide range of people, including families with children, single people, and seniors.

They are known for their friendly and gentle personalities, making them suitable for people of all ages. Their small size and easy-to-maintain coat also make them a good choice for people who have limited space or a lack of time to spend on grooming.

Despite these positive traits, it is important to remember that all rabbits require a significant time and financial commitment, and it is important to carefully consider whether a rabbit is the right pet for you.

Housing an American Fuzzy Lop

Housing a rabbit isn’t a task that should be done haphazardly or without research, and American Fuzzy Lops are not exception to that rule! Below, you’ll learn about an AFL’s basic habitat requirements.


The recommended enclosure for an American Fuzzy Lop rabbit is a hutch or indoor cage that is large enough to meet their needs. The size of the enclosure should be at least 5 square feet per rabbit, with a healthy amount of vertical space for them to hop and jump. The enclosure should provide the rabbit with plenty of room to move around, stretch out, and play.

It should also be designed to protect the rabbit from the elements, including extreme temperatures and drafts. The enclosure should be located in a quiet, secure area, away from loud noises and predators (if kept outside). Providing the rabbit with a cozy place to hide and rest, such as a cardboard box or small hut, is also important for their comfort and well-being.

Regularly cleaning the enclosure and providing the rabbit with fresh hay and water is also essential for their health and happiness.


A good choice for bedding for an American Fuzzy Lop rabbit is a soft, absorbent material that is safe for rabbits to ingest and constantly be around, such as aspen shavings or paper-based bedding. Cedar or pine shavings should be avoided, as the aromatic oils in these woods can be harmful to rabbits.

The bedding should be changed regularly to prevent the build-up of dirt and waste, and the enclosure should be spot-cleaned as needed to maintain a clean and comfortable environment for your rabbit.


The ideal temperature range for an American Fuzzy Lop rabbit is between 50 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. It is important to keep them in a temperature-controlled environment to ensure their comfort and well-being. Extreme temperatures can be harmful to rabbits, so it is important to avoid exposing them to extreme heat or cold.

What Do American Fuzzy Lops Eat & Drink?

An American Fuzzy Lop should be fed a high-fiber diet like other rabbit breeds. Hay should make up the majority of their diet, as it provides the necessary fiber to keep their digestive system healthy, which can then be supplemented with leafy greens and a high-quality pellet food.

In addition to this food, American Fuzzy Lop rabbits need a constant supply of fresh water. Water should be given in a heavy, spill-proof bowl and changed daily to ensure it is clean and fresh.

Other Care Tips


Fuzzies need less grooming than angoras. They have wool that is a little coarse, making it less prone to tangles. Every few days, they will need the tangles and debris worked out of their coat. Be sure to check the rabbit’s underside for droppings and debris that may get caught around its bottom.

When the AFL is molting, it will need groomed every day. As with all breeds of rabbits, you should avoid giving your fuzzy a full bath. Just spot clean its coat if needed.

Because of the inquisitive nature of American fuzzy lops, you should allow a show rabbit to relax before evaluating its ear carriage.


American Fuzzy Lop rabbits require regular exercise to maintain their physical and mental health. They are active and curious animals and enjoy exploring their environment and playing with toys. Providing them with a large enclosure or pen that allows them to hop, jump, and run is essential for their physical well-being.

In addition to having a spacious enclosure, it is also important to provide your rabbit with plenty of toys and activities to keep them entertained.

Common Health Problems For the Breed

Like all rabbit breeds, American Fuzzy Lops can be prone to certain health problems, but this isn’t a breed that’s more likely to experience any particular health problem.

Some common health issues that American Fuzzy Lops may experience include:

  • Dental problems: Like all rabbits, American Fuzzy Lops have continuously growing teeth that must be worn down through chewing. If a rabbit is not provided with enough opportunities to chew, their teeth can become overgrown, causing pain and difficulty eating.
  • Respiratory problems: Some AFLs can be prone to respiratory problems such as infections or allergies. Symptoms of respiratory problems can include sneezing, nasal discharge, and difficulty breathing.
  • GI Stasis: American Fuzzy Lops can experience gastrointestinal problems such as gastrointestinal stasis, a condition in which the digestive system slows down or stops functioning properly. Symptoms of gastrointestinal stasis can include loss of appetite, lethargy, and bloating.
  • Reproductive problems: Female American Fuzzy Lops can be prone to reproductive problems such as uterine cancer, which is the most common cause of death in female rabbits.

How Much Does a American Fuzzy Lop Cost?

The cost of an American Fuzzy Lop rabbit can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the age, sex, and pedigree of the rabbit, as well as the location and reputation of the breeder.

American Fuzzy Lops can typically be purchased from a breeder for anywhere from $30 to $200, although the cost may be higher for a show-quality rabbit or a rabbit with a pedigreed background.

It is important to carefully research breeders before making a purchase and to choose a reputable source.

In addition to the purchase price of the rabbit, there are also ongoing costs associated with owning a rabbit, such as food, housing, medical expenses, and toys. It is important to carefully consider these costs before making the decision to bring a rabbit into your home.

Final American Fuzzy Lop Breed Thoughts

It’s no secret that lops are some of the most beloved rabbit breeds around the world, and it’s obvious why that is — they’re cute and loving!

The American Fuzzy Lop is no exception to this with its small stature, curious personality, and straightforward grooming and maintenance requirements.

If you’re able to provide a quality home for an AFL and keep it well-fed and played with, this breed is an excellent choice for most, if not all potential owners!