Once the Best of Breed has been selected in every breed, they all go up together to compete for Best in Show. Sometimes there is an intermediate step, where the BOB winners are divided into four groups, and the Best of Group is picked, and the four group winners compete for Best in Show. Sometimes the best rabbit of the 4-class, that is the small, rabbit breeds is picked and the best 6-class rabbit is picked, and then the two go up for Best in Show. These intermediate steps are solely the option of the show, and are not required by the ARBA. This type of award tends to vary by region.
Most commonly, all the Best of Breed winners go up for Best in Show together, and a Best in Show and Reserve in Show is selected. Again, the Reserve in Show award is not required by the ARBA, and no legs are awarded for it. Best in Show is the only required award.
Rabbits go from winning their Class/Sex >> Variety >> Breed >> Show.
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BIS spells the end of competition for the day, but there’s a lot more to a rabbit show than just competing! Visit the next article to learn all about the other fun features of rabbit exhibitions.
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