What Else you can do at a Rabbit Show
Raffle and Auctions
Generally, a fund-raising raffle is held at each rabbit show. You may bring items to contribute to the raffle, usually including rabbits, whether you are a member of the organizing club or not. Most clubs appreciate the support. And of course, we all benefit by their ability to hold the next show! Don’t forget to buy tickets and try your luck.

Sometimes a rabbit auction may be held to raise money, either for the rabbit club or for a charity. The auction can be a great way to get a bargain on a nice rabbit. Just beware of those trying to dump unworthy rabbits. If you place a rabbit in an auction or raffle, please make sure that you have its pedigree or clearly label it as a pet. Also make sure that any disqualifications are clearly noted and that the animal is in good health. Don’t pass on a problem rabbit to someone else. Mark your cage, “Cage Not Included,” unless the cage goes with the rabbit.
Lunch Time!
Lunch is usually available at reasonable fees. Sometimes the lunch is catered and you pay one price for a plate. Other times, a snack bar is available all day long with hamburgers and fries available at per-item prices. You will probably not find time to leave the show for lunch, unless the whole show shuts down for mealtime. Count on eating there, if you are staying for a second show (some shows only have a single judging especially for youth, but more often there are two separate competitions judged by two different judges in a single day–and sometimes there are three). Of course some shows are special, like picnics and midnight shows. Make sure you know about special arrangements before the day of the show.
Rabbit Buying, Selling, and Trading
A show is a great time to buy and show rabbits. If the show is attached to a fair, you may have great success in selling your pets. At all shows, you may be able to sell your rabbits and buy rabbits from other breeders.
Take Everything Home With You
Be sure you take all of your items with you after the show, including any ribbons, trophies, or prizes you may have won. Also, be sure that you have taken your comment cards from the writer’s table. It’s best to pick them up as you go, but certainly, make sure you have them if you want them by the time you pack up. Some people have left rabbits at shows. Make sure you do a head count before you leave.
Show Report
Within generally two to four weeks, you will receive in the mail a summary of how your rabbits did in each show. This summary will not include comments, but rather just the bare facts: your rabbits identifying information, how many rabbits were shown, how your rabbit placed, points earned, and any special awards or disqualification your rabbit received.
Next Article: Learn how to assist the judge by writing at a show!