General Description
Sable point rabbits have a rich, creamy body color with dark sepia points (nose, ears, feet, tail). Pearl rabbits may have sepia, black, chocolate, blue, or lilac points and pearly body color.
Surface Color
Rich cream body surface color.
Under Color
Light creamy white body under color.
Toenails and Eyes
Toenails must show pigment.
Eyes brown for sable points and sable, black, and chocolate pearls. Eyes blue-gray for blue and lilac pearls.
Breeds That are Showable in the Sable Point Variety
American fuzzy lop, Holland lop, Jersey wooly, English lop, French lop, mini lop, mini rex, Netherland dwarf
Breeds That are Showable in the Pearl Varieties
English angora, French angora, satin angora
Exceptions to the General Description
Holland Lop, English Lop, French Lop, Mini Lop
Sepia color is to be on the legs as well as the feet.
Mini Rex, Netherland Dwarf
Some dark shading around the eyes is allowed.
General Faults
Molting, hutch stain, stray white hairs, blotchy or streaky color, shading on the body, and lack of contrast due to light marking color or dark body color.
General Disqualifications
Sable point and sable, black, and chocolate pearl with eye color other than brown, or unmatched eyes. Blue and lilac pearls with eye color other than blue-gray, or unmatched eyes. White toenails or unmatched toenails on the same foot or both front feet or both back feet. Foreign or white spot(s), excessive amounts of scattered white hairs, under color other than cream or white.
Breed Specific Disqualifications
English Angora, French Angora, Sating Angora
Wool color pure white on the body or belly.
Jersey Wooly
Wool pure white on the body or underside of tail.
Mini Rex, Netherland Dwarf
Pure white underside of tail.