Rabbit Color Descriptions – Chocolate Variety

General Description

 The entire rabbit is a rich chocolate brown.

Surface Color

Rich chocolate, carried as close to the skin as possible.

Under Color 

 Dove gray.

Toenails and Eyes

Toenails should be colored and should match. Eyes are brown with a ruby glow in certain lights.


Breeds That are Showable in the Chocolate Variety 

American fuzzy lop, English angora, French angora, satin angora, Havana, Holland lop, Jersey wooly, English lop, French lop, mini lop, mini rex, Netherland dwarf, Polish, rex, satin, and mini satin.


Exceptions to the General Description

American Fuzzy Lop, English Angora, French Angora, Satin Angora, Jersey Wooly

Wooled areas are a lighter shade of chocolate than normal furred areas. 


General Faults

 Uneven color, hutch stain, faded color, brownish or rusty tinge, stray white hairs, mealiness, or ticking.


Breed Specific Faults

Holland Lop, English Lop, French Lop, Mini Lop, Netherland Dwarf, Polish, Mini Satin

Light under color.


Pale eyes.


General Disqualifications 

 Eye color other than brown, unmatched eyes, or spots in the eyes. White or unmatched toenail(s). Excessive white hairs, white or foreign colored spot(s).